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The crisis in Thailand, from the perspective of a foreigner

…who live here say this is not the end, regardless of the outcome from this latest bout of clashes, that this is only Act 2 (Act 1 being the protests that has been brewing since March) and that Act 3 is not far away and sure to be even more tragic. So why are Thais killing Thais? There is not straightforward answer. But I’ll try and give my analysis of what has gone on and why. But first, some caveats. I’m not Thai myself but I have lived here for

A quick run-through

…enough to only make a fool of EU over the lack of unity in private at the latest summit in Finland. Third, the security problem of extending EU’s borders to Iran and Syria is just overwhelming. They can’t control the borders as it is. If EU takes away its border controls as well then the drug road from Afghanistan to Europa will be wide open. Not to mention what else follows in the likes of human traficking and terrorism (do I really need to ment…

Twenty Years Since 9/11 – Wars and Lies – Current State and Thoughts of the Future.

…mates TV. I shared an apartment with two guys, Eric and Brad. Me being the latest arrival I got the worst room and had nothing it it but a futon. Eric had been there the longest and had the main bedroom and a TV. He always had the door shut and we were never allowed in, except for September 11th. He called us in to watch what was happening and I remember us discussing if this was just a bad accident or something else. Then we saw the second plane…

History is Alive

…ome https://youtu.be/jzd1szJLFoI 4. The Virgin Queen https://youtu.be/uDcHQ-Bd0Tg I think four examples are enough to show how efficiently this new service called Netflix can really bring the past alive!!! I would imagine there are two schools of thought on this. The first being those that prefer not to study at all and simply watch a show and believe they know something. A show is just a show and does not really confer any knowledge. Well, maybe…

Language Study

…e same thing in English and was correct. “Com”, or “Con” mean to combine, (com-bine). Thus, “Computer”, “Conference”, “Construct”, “Competition”, all mean the combining of two or more things. I found this com-pletely fascinating. Finally, there is always debate as to what is “correct” English. There are those who abhor bad grammar usage and take a very technical view of the language. For them the sentence “John didn’t do no good things for nobody,…