We found 235 results for your search.

Social Networks – Facebook – Blogs and the future

… In other words, is FB the center of gravity around which every other aspect of the web revolves or will something else come along and pull FB out of it’s orbit? One interesting site that combines blogs and social networks is Ning .  This is a very cool idea but as of yet I don’t think it is very popular.  Also, it has been rumored that they will start charging a fee for the service in July which is anathema to many internet users.  Yet, I am abl…

Salesman vs. Salesman – How to lower your bills

…le. I tell you that negotiating can be absolutely exhilarating with enough practice that it almost becomes an obsession. I personally cannot wait to examine all my bills and get their customer service representatives on the phone. “Retail Price,” is the highest possible price the business wants to charge you. The benefit to this is you just go in and buy without having to do any negotiation. You have to put forth no effort and the business just ma…

History is Alive

…all you supporters of them should never be allowed in a gentleman’s club again. Wait, the GOP is no longer a Gentleman’s club you say? It is full of idiotic hillbilly Jesus freaks you say? Boy, I really miss the old GOP. The heathens and unwashed are not only at the gate but have been invited in to sit down to dinner! >:( I’m sorry, I’ve gone off the rails again.  I’m terrible. I’m also tired and become tired of this post.  I really should write a…

Vaccine Controversy – A Global Citizen Perspective

…your wallet! So, I think it is safe to say that I have lost a lot of respect for doctors since my childhood and expect them to get back to doctoring when I pay them to do so, not try to sell me things I do not need. Having said that, my advice on vaccines is to……….. Get your vaccines. This is not a salesman tactics and from what I have read and experienced, vaccines are exceedingly important. Watching the PBS Frontline special the anti-vaccine pe…

Smart Consumer USA – Global Citizen

…y old phone and just bought a SIM card in Vietnam for $5.  Then I was connected completely for the duration of my trip after letting everyone know what my new telephone number was. Finally, AT&T has just come out with a price restructure for their data plans.  Currently, it costs $30 for unlimited data.  They want to take this away and offer a certain amount of data for a set price which they claim will save 95% of their customers money.  BUT, DON…