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A Night in Saigon – Debate at a Bar

and it reminded me of my extremely poor vocabulary and how hard it is to maintain said vocabulary. I had to duck out at 8:00pm to go meet two friends who were in town from America at the Saigon Saigon bar. One is a PhD. candidate at Yale and her boyfriend who is a civil rights lawyer also from Yale. We had a really great conversation drawing parallels between the “Communist” system here and the Capitalist system in the United States. It was inter…

Consciousness and Emotional Intelligence

…bit more than usual. I believe we all have these moments and with a bit of practice such as with meditation can have them with more frequency.  It seems to me that this increased “consciousness” would be a major step forward in human evolution. As I look around at the world today I do not see this.  I see people walking around in a fog.    They go about their daily routines as though they are programmed.  People live in a closed environment, and t…

The Truth about Thanksgiving

…tween two friendly Indians, pitting one against the other in an attempt to obtain “better intelligence and make them both more diligent.” An 11-foot-high wall was erected around the entire settlement for the purpose of keeping the Indians out. Any Indian who came within the vicinity of the Pilgrim settlement was subject to robbery, enslavement, or even murder. The Pilgrims further advertised their evil intentions and white racial hostility, when t…

The truth about California Missions. Just as bad as Canadian Residential Schools

…likening the missions to the slave plantations of Santo Domingo.” https://www.sfgate.com/opinion/openforum/article/The-dark-terrible-secret-of-California-s-missions-2685666.php I also liked this quote from the Reddit thread I’ve been to a few missions. My kids did projects on Santa Cruz and San Luis Obispo. I’ve read the little plaques they put outside, sounds so innocence: the Indians lived here. This is where they farmed. This is little church….

Language Study

…ed my friend of this, he said we do the same thing in English and was correct. “Com”, or “Con” mean to combine, (com-bine). Thus, “Computer”, “Conference”, “Construct”, “Competition”, all mean the combining of two or more things. I found this com-pletely fascinating. Finally, there is always debate as to what is “correct” English. There are those who abhor bad grammar usage and take a very technical view of the language. For them the sentence “Joh…