We found 235 results for your search.

Interconnection – Muslims, Mexicans, California and Conquistadors

…bit I learned is that the name Castilla (which means Castle) came from the practice of building fortresses (or castles) on tops of the mountains during La Reconquista which provided protection and areas from which to launch attacks against the Moors. ————— Now, what one has to understand is during these 800 years or so of reconquest, Muslims and Christians mixed and that is why Spaniards of today are darker than northern Europeans.  Further, if yo…

Montaillou – Life in a Medieval Village

…I’m glad no longer the case with most relationships and laws against this practice in place.  At least we’ve made some progress as a species. As Georges Duby has said, the Christ of the Roman age was the hero of the Parousia, ‘Jesus returning on the Last Day, in all his glory, to judge the living and dead.  In the thirteenth century there appeared the more learned figure… of Jesus the wise man.  But the preaching of St. Francis emphasized the Pas…

Why is Everyone So Offended?

…ght to religious belief is less important than the right to sexual beliefs/practices and vice-versa. In the public sector all employees must undergo Diversity training. I did when I worked for the local government. This involves learning about other cultures, usually Islamic cultures because there was no mention of French, Chinese, Russian cultures, customs and religions (or the absence of religion) etc, homosexuality, transgendered people and cro…

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Astrological Signs and Blood Types

…aracteristics with the Gemini! Here is the complete list provided by Issendai*]}*.com ———————————– Every Japanese celebrity writeup and every anime character description with any claim to authority gives the person’s (or character’s) blood type. Why? Because, thanks to a remarkable bit of Science! by a gentleman named Furukawa Takeji, the Japanese believe that a person’s blood type affects their personality. Each blood type has a personality profile.

LPGA – English Only

…ays “LPGA’s English-only policy is unsportsmanlike and un-American. http://www.golf.com/golf/tours_news/article/0,28136,1836266,00.html?cid=feed-tours_news-20080826-1836266 After seeing that article, the steam stopped coming out of my ears and really deflated what would have been a much longer rant since I can see that people with common sense are attacking this policy. However, it still seems that in America there is the concept that people who d…