We found 211 results for your search.

The difficulty with truth in public – Ferguson

…hances of getting nominated.  This really struck a chord with me as a fine example of how we really cannot express our true thoughts and opinions in public space, especially in a world where everything is increasingly being recorded.  The pressure to conform, to self filter and to keep quiet has become great even for those not seeking public office.   As for me, I created this blog to be able to express my own opinions and thoughts without reserva…

Inside Job Part Deux

…ld just let supply and demand regulate themselves. It would seem that our “free-market” mentality sometimes runs smack into our puritan,,, er…. Moral principles.  Isn’t it weird how the Republican party on one hand wants less intervention/regulation unless of course it interferes with their “moral majority” voting block? These Moralists are anything but Laissez Fair but instead adhere to religion as their guiding principles.  Therefore, they do no…

Global Citizen vs. Call of Duty: Black Ops

…aught this ever since birth and we equate any country under the system of “Communism” as not being free and oppressing their citizens.  You may laugh at this but some of you may even agree! The American wishes everyone to be “freeand happy.  They believe every system should be a Democracy where the citizens get to elect their own leaders.  This is perhaps the main reason they believe the USA is such a great country and when they look at “Communi…

Ellemann-Jensen and democracy

…plot by radical Islamists to kill Kurt Westergaard, the creator of the bomb-in-turban cartoon, was exposed. So goes his argument. I used to have the greatest respect for this man but his arguments simply don’t hold water in this case. First of all, the fact that some idiot may abuse your creation after you put it out in the public is no argument for not putting it out there in the first place. Think of cars, guns, medicine and kitchen utensils. Al…

Categorized as Europe

Ron Paul, Tea Party, Fox News and Colorado Springs

…in Colorado Springs stopped paying taxes then they would have no job. BUT, free market could take over and set up private companies that would ensure efficiency which means they would not be paid just to sit around waiting for things to happen but only when there was a fire or criminal on the loose.  Firemen would have to stop responding to cats in trees and would not have to report to work to just sit.  Instead they would have to report when ther…