We found 235 results for your search.

Violence and Islam in Europe

…lnesses that are the results of marriages between first cousins – a common practice in the Middle East that they have brought with them. And it doesn’t get better with time. The price tag coming with the 2nd generation is only 2 per cent smaller. A common explanation of the increased crime – and violent crime in particular – is that it is caused by war trauma but I don’t buy that argument. 2nd World War did not lead to crime waves among veterans o…

Low Expectations for new UN Agency, UN Women.

…nesty International slams the Swedish judicial system concluding that, “in practice, many perpetrators enjoy impunity.” 30,000 rapes per year (10 % of which are gang rapes) give Sweden the honour of having six times as many rapes per capita, compared to neighboring Denmark. In Lebanon, according to the Lebanese Council to Resist Violence Against Women (LCRVAW ), at least 90% of women are, or have been in the past, victims of physical or psychologi…

Thoughts running through my head

…er cologne. Races are now mixing here as shown here in SF and Asians can become complete Americans, but usually cannot do so without losing most of their former heritage. They become in effect, Asian in appearance only. They get a rough course in this when returning back to Asia and figure out they fit in about as much as any American from any background. On a lighter note, I had to tell my close Asian friends that now that we are in America, we w…

Californians cannot drive

…ter damn well stay out of their way, or not inconvenience them in the slightest bit. They act as spoiled children do and to date, I have counted 1,239 frowns, middle fingers, gun signs (made with fingers) bad words, and other un-pleasantries and only 3-4 kind acts such as letting someone into the lane. Example 1: A middle aged soccer mom in her SUV was driving in front of me on the freeway. A car in the left lane decided to change lanes in front o…

A Passion Reawakened

…ers.  The universe has also given me a wonderful gift in a new job with an airline which comes with flight benefits not only for me but also for my family!  This is my window, my opportunity to continue with a passion that has so far defined my life!  We can travel to remote places and all for free excluding the hotel and other expenses.  The plane ticket is always the main roadblock and that roadblock has been removed. So here’s to rebooting this…