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Meet the Press, Crossfire, Face the Nation

…se of “Irony” would be correct in that “the free exchange of ideas” only encompasses those ideas which come from the West and therefore does not include any ideas from Iran. To be sure, the President of Iran doesn’t seem like such a good guy and the people of Iran hate their own government but he was democratically elected and the mantra of the USA has been to promote freedom and democracy. It just doesn’t work out very well when the “free people”…

We’re All Socialists

…rd time even though we are mostly stuck in our cell at the jail. If I were completely free then I think I would move to Japan and become a ninja but unfortunately I could only stay for three months without a work permit and the USA would try to take my yen in taxes. So I’m not exactly free with these yokes around my neck am I? In conclusion (part deux) it seems that we are not completely Capitalist nor completely free at the moment. It would also…

We Believe What We Are Taught to Believe

…tly opening my mind to other cultures and forms of thought the world has become so complicated that I have given up any hope of ever thoroughly understanding it. It is interesting that the most ignorant of people will have all the answers, yet those that are thoroughly learned, will not have any answers. So going back to the kids in the movie that were “brainwashed,” are we not all brainwashed in some form or another? We usually will be most patri…

Chicanos, Viet Kieu, Gaijin – Migration Fun!

…their experiences.  Being a Spanish major, I wanted to integrate with this community as much as possible and “become like them” so as to better understand the culture and mentality. At OSU the liberal arts school was actively promoting their “diversity” programs and I attended more than a few Latin American  meetings.  What struck me most about this was how proud the Chicanos and Mexicans were to be of Mexican descent.  Being from a mostly white c…

Racism in Japan

…ecome 300% easier. I think that if gaijins made more of an effort to understand Japan and the Japanese instead of trying to have Japan adjust to them, this racism stuff would ease up a bit. The article lists a website at www.debito.org/roguesgallery.html that apparently catalogs pictures of foreigners being barred entry. Might be worth a look but not getting too angry over. Share this: Twitter Reddit…