We found 211 results for your search.

Black Lives Matter

…ple and for people to change their hearts. I think that this is a good wake-up call and I hope American society does become more just. However, it will need every individual to look deeply within themselves and erase those feelings of prejudice. I don’t see this happening for most people but I hope over time people will continue to mix and see the bigger picture that we are all human beings on this Earth for only a short time. How silly is it to t…

Half a second in the Empire

…to advocate death and then return to their armchairs so they can watch the latest program to see who sings and/or dances the best.   America has become Rome.   It is an entertainment culture.  There is no room for philosophy, there is no room for an honest discussion.  It has become one for entertainment and entertainment for all.   I for one am very disheartened by the state of the Nation and although this country has done better than most in a h…

Saudi norms make way into Holland

…Islam’s Critics A Dutch court imports Saudi blasphemy norms to Europe. The latest twist in the clash between Western values and the Muslim world took place yesterday in the Netherlands, where a court ordered the prosecution of lawmaker and provocateur Geert Wilders for inciting violence. The Dutch MP and leader of the Freedom Party, which opposes Muslim immigration into Holland, will stand trial soon for his harsh criticism of Islam. Mr. Wilders m…

Life Currents – A Reflection

…y the cold chill of the unknown.  Perhaps from my past experiences it is a pattern, a habit I have developed to continually feel restless after becoming too familiar with my surroundings.  Maybe I am addicted to the natural high of having my senses stimulated with unfamiliar surroundings? Yet, at 33 years of age I feel it is time to let myself be swept along a little by the current and build a solid base.  For this to happen I’ll need to “institut…


…dren however, we have some grand thoughts.  I like to think these thoughts come from one of the following. a.) Our brains are new and not set into any specific pattern, therefore can create some grand realities and ideas. b.)  We are spiritual beings and can still remember, even only for an instant of a second, the spirit world, before we became human. Now, whichever it may be, one thought that has always caused me absolute terror whenever I think…