We found 215 results for your search.

Ground Zero Mosque Controversy

…e legal battle over the right to wear a crucifix to work…? The battle over [our] image, [namely] the cultural and political battle, is much more important [than the legal battle], for it concerns worrying phenomena like the increasing provocations, the widening circle of [our] rivals, and the growing hatred. Sometimes, the racism and xenophobia experienced by Muslims increases in exact proportion to the legal victories they achieve over marginal i…

American Politics – A Short Story

…upset about the outburst in church. Jeb not liking this criticism tried to come up with a stinging reply but as his brain was so awash in alcohol really could come up with nothing better than “NO, YOU ARE.  YOU ARE IRRESPONSIBLE!”  Sally pleaded and tried to get Jeb to understand he was the one doing all the yelling.  However, he just responded, “I know you are but what am I?” In fact, this conversation was overheard just yesterday. Sally:  Jeb, y…

Technology, Knowledge Corporations and Consumer Culture

…s on the Ipad/phone and when I’m not using those I’m on my desktop or work computer.  I’ve become an information processor! Recently, I’ve decided to read less news and more books.  I prefer nonfiction and things that teach me something.  I don’t like just being an information processor and would like to discover more meaningful ideas, understand history better from different points of view.  I feel with the news today everything is spun one way o…

Bank of America = Awful

…hat service or good, could we get it cheaper or perhaps just do without it completely. Coming back to America I found that there is intense pressure to continually spend and fees for everything. It was almost too easy to spend money. However, the country I was coming from was Vietnam and those folks know how to save! In fact, a good part of the population do not even use banks! Therefore, if the bank told me there was a fee for this and a fee for

Global Allegiance

…e selling the program details for their electric car to the Chinese http://www.france24.com/en/20110111-renault-summons-executives-centre-spy-row-unions One futurist I read a while back indicated that people would stop identifying themselves with a country and change to identification with corporation or a brand…  And in that perspective It has been interesting to watch the growth and demise of some brands. I will take Sony as an example; once it…

Categorized as China, World