We found 215 results for your search.

My Blog

…) Note to any that read this blog: If I know you then find me on Facebook! www.facebook.com I’m not hard to find, just search my name and lets connect! I’ll try to write more entries from now on and keep it interesting. The reason I really haven’t written much recently is that I got used to my life in San Francisco and I start to feel that things aren’t interesting enough to write about. I felt the same way living in Tokyo and Saigon after a while…

A quick run-through

…e and politics is too much to handle for an EU that struggles hard to find common ground on anything as it is. Putin was polite enough to only make a fool of EU over the lack of unity in private at the latest summit in Finland. Third, the security problem of extending EU’s borders to Iran and Syria is just overwhelming. They can’t control the borders as it is. If EU takes away its border controls as well then the drug road from Afghanistan to Euro…

Time Life Books – The Great Chiefs

…is the bad guy? When it comes to the American West the Natives were there, free to make war, free to make peace, free to live life as their ancestors had done for thousands of years and hopefully not die too soon by another tribe expressing the same freedoms. The white man came looking for opportunities to improve his own life. There were other beings occupying that which he desired and through superior weapons the white man removed the Indian. It…

Astrological Signs and Blood Types

…n fact, it shares quite a few characteristics with the Gemini! Here is the complete list provided by Issendai.com ———————————– Every Japanese celebrity writeup and every anime character description with any claim to authority gives the person’s (or character’s) blood type. Why? Because, thanks to a remarkable bit of Science! by a gentleman named Furukawa Takeji, the Japanese believe that a person’s blood type affects their personality. Each blood…

Does the internet make us smart, stupid or just more informed?

…different strains of English running right through America!  Just look how complicated it becomes! As we can see, there are various versions of English spoken throughout the United States.  In some places, such as in New England I really have no idea what they are saying!  So this just proves my point that when people say “Speak English,” they really mean, “please speak something that I can understand.” Sounds a bit selfish wouldn’t you say? Furth…