Japan, Reactor child explanation, Self Defense Force and Kanji

Just saw this making the rounds on Facebook. Here is the video with explanation. I also have some other things I’d like to point out down below. https://youtu.be/O1aH2-MhEko From the pictures pretty self explanatory.. but here you go. “Genpatsu-Kun” – Name given to character of Japanese reactor: GenPatsu = Source of radiation — Kun =…… Continue reading Japan, Reactor child explanation, Self Defense Force and Kanji

Japan – Dishonest Government and Pray for Japan FB Page

This is probably more of a thing for the forum but thought I would make it a post to grab more attention.  Just wanted to make a few points. 1.  Japan Government Not Honest –  I made the point in the forum a while back that the Japanese Government was not being very honest with…… Continue reading Japan – Dishonest Government and Pray for Japan FB Page

Leaders, Faith, Affairs and Excitement!

Kind of a weird title here but I really have the urge to weave all of these together after reading an article in the New York Times today. The article concerns Newt Gingrich and how he is using faith and God to reconnect with the Republican base in order to burnish his image after three…… Continue reading Leaders, Faith, Affairs and Excitement!