Sweden Rejects the ’Melting Pot’

Swedish policy makers now openly reject the ‘Melting Pot’ as their model for integrating immigrants into society. Recent proposed changes to the Swedish constitution pose basic challenge to the nation-state and the principle of equality before the law. The term, the Melting Pot,  is commonly used to describe immigration, especially into the US, moving from…… Continue reading Sweden Rejects the ’Melting Pot’

There is nothing wrong with not having a higher education

Just a quick rant from me. There is nothing wrong with not having a higher education. Too often are people, experiences and opinions dismissed because they are not put forth by someone with proper class/education/taste/etc. Most recently a guy who was trying to impress my Japanese wife at a carnival we went to recently complained…… Continue reading There is nothing wrong with not having a higher education

’Support the troops’ – the transformation of a nation and its armed forces

I grew up wondering what it meant when, on American TV shows, the statement ‘Support The Troops’ always seemed to trump all other arguments. Saying it was usually followed by a moment of stunned silence while the person who had said it gloated and the opponent gathered himself from the shock of being accused of not ‘supporting the troops’.

Why is the West financing the Human Rights Council?

Western nations are at the moment financing the UN just to be dragged round the arena by dictatorships that could not care less about the purpose of UN. You have to ask yourself why we have to take part in and finance the UN Human Rights’ Council when we are just going to hand it over to some of the worst states on the planet without a word anyway.