Penance, Happiness, Language and Poison Oak

It has recently occurred to me that in order to achieve happiness, the opposite is first required.

How can we know happiness when we have never experienced pain or sorrow? As I look around, I see people with a very high standard of living, which the Kings of the past could only have dreamed. I see people who should be happy or even content, slogging through life continually reaching for that elusive state of joy.

Vaccine Controversy – A Global Citizen Perspective

Recently in the news there has been a lot of controversy over vaccines and if they cause terrible side effects such as autism. If you watch the PBS movie you’ll see what these are and many are questioning vaccines.

As I mentioned before, I’ll give it to you straight and from a GC perspective which you won’t find anywhere else.

I should start by saying that I DO NOT LIKE DOCTORS!

Right vs. Left – Being Civil

I thought about not writing on this as there is enough news but seeing as we are trapped in the continual Left vs. Right vortex and that neither side is absolutely right I thought it might be good to weigh in on this from a “Global Citizen” perspective. We always see things differently from most, like an outsider looking in and have no problems with pointing out the faults of both sides which is enlightened at best, bipolar at worst. 🙂