We found 215 results for your search.

Throw Away Your KDDI International Cards

…a big fan of Netmeeting and had no problems getting even my mother to feel comfortable with it. However, as the OS became more complicated, security concerns (firewalls and such) began to create connectivity problems, netmeeting was discontinued and I lost contact with my own family since we couldn’t get both the audio and video to work. However, yesterday a friend with a new computer (and camera) and I began trying to video conference again and I…

Vaccine Controversy – A Global Citizen Perspective

…cause the anti-vaccination people haven’t seen it doesn’t mean it will not come back, even to the USA. So, now on to examples. First of all, I’m no expert but will tell you straight from my experiences. In Vietnam Hepatitis is quite common.  I didn’t have any vaccinations and never got it but if you do your research a lot of the population does.  Get your vaccinations on this one. I also came down with a rash and fever once, went to the doctor and…

Heathcare – A Global Citizen Perspective

…ence is to make money.  Sell the people more food, sell them more drugs to combat the obesity, sell them more insurance to cover the costs when they need to go see the doctor for being unhealthy. ‘Unhealthyness’ is a bonanza for many many industries who have a vested interest in keeping people unhealthy. So they go to the doctors and if the doctors do not do everything perfectly then there are the lawyers who also make money on people being unheal…

We Believe What We Are Taught to Believe

…tly opening my mind to other cultures and forms of thought the world has become so complicated that I have given up any hope of ever thoroughly understanding it. It is interesting that the most ignorant of people will have all the answers, yet those that are thoroughly learned, will not have any answers. So going back to the kids in the movie that were “brainwashed,” are we not all brainwashed in some form or another? We usually will be most patri…

Trouble in Roppongi

…se repeated incidents being reported, it seems that Roppongi is actually becoming a little dangerous which is extremely uncommon for Japan being the safest country I have ever visited. Also, some of the popular bars such as Gas Panic have come up with ridiculous rules like you must always have a beer in your hand and be drinking or else you get kicked out. A further annoyance is a few bars are charging outrageous entry fees for their crappy little…