We found 211 results for your search.

Why I like Saigon

…to me why I really like Saigon compared to other places. In Saigon, the ex-pat community isn’t that big and you usually cannot go more than ten minutes without seeing someone you know. You can pop into a bar or restaurant and catch up with someone from the local darts teams, friends, or some executives of large international companies. There are just enough places to go for entertainment and it is possible to actually know each place unlike in th…

Social Networks – Facebook – Blogs and the future

…ier but still there was not much interaction with the readers except for a comment or two here and there. The first website I can really think of that allowed people to connect after the chatrooms would probably be classmates.com.  You could look up your old friends but it was still not very interactive and all you could do was read their information. Then came Myspace.  At first, people were a bit reluctant to put their personal information and p…

American Politics – A Short Story

…upset about the outburst in church. Jeb not liking this criticism tried to come up with a stinging reply but as his brain was so awash in alcohol really could come up with nothing better than “NO, YOU ARE.  YOU ARE IRRESPONSIBLE!”  Sally pleaded and tried to get Jeb to understand he was the one doing all the yelling.  However, he just responded, “I know you are but what am I?” In fact, this conversation was overheard just yesterday. Sally:  Jeb, y…

Railroad Tracks

…s FALSE – Sorry everyone: the website Snopes has investigated and although there is some *partial truth* and it makes for a good story, it isn’t factually accurate. Link: http://www.snopes.com/history/american/gauge.asp Advertising Link to MX Guard Dog, a service I use: Spamschutz Share this: Twitter Reddit…

Categorized as History Tagged

Santa Claus, Ded Moroz, Christianity and the Solstice

…inoxes and the midpoints between them,” he said. USA Today Article: http://www.usatoday.com/story/tech/sciencefair/2016/12/20/winter-solstice/95656640/ Although it turned out that Santa Claus really does have part of his origin in Christianity, Christmas has its origin in the Winter Solstice.  There is quite the similarity about the world coming back to life with the days getting longer, the sun getting warmer and things beginning to grow again.  …