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Vaccine Controversy – A Global Citizen Perspective

…since returning to the USA.  The reason is (as I have written about in many-a-post) coming back to the USA feels like one big sales pitch and doctors are the worst. I come back to the USA, go to the dentist for a cleaning and he immediately performs x-rays, gum analysis and tells me about all the cosmetic services they provide.  All of this before actually cleaning my teeth which I payed him to do.  Recently, I had to tell my dentist to stop with…

Leaving the Democratic Party

…of all the crying, of what Hillary did to the party, of all the fucking boo-hoo-hoo that has come to be the Democratic Party. I am so disappointed in them. Reversing course in 2017 https://youtu.be/2FhJmewvsZ0 Update: 1.18.2017 – I saw in the news that there is speculation Hillary could run for Mayor of New York and she isn’t ruling it out.  That’s it, I’ve gone from being severely disappointed to officially hating the Democratic Party. Share this…

My Blog

…) Note to any that read this blog: If I know you then find me on Facebook! www.facebook.com I’m not hard to find, just search my name and lets connect! I’ll try to write more entries from now on and keep it interesting. The reason I really haven’t written much recently is that I got used to my life in San Francisco and I start to feel that things aren’t interesting enough to write about. I felt the same way living in Tokyo and Saigon after a while…

Bangkok aftermath – the hatred, vitriol and the blame game

…e world. Sometimes it’s warranted, sometimes it’s not. At the start of the latest ‘red shirt’ protests, I agreed with some earlier complaints on social networking sites in Thailand over how we’re giving a free pass to the ‘red shirt’ leaders. It’s pretty natural for journalists to side with the underdog. We support the small teams over rich ones. We like to see poor, nerdy dudes beat the big, burly school jocks. We root for the oppressed to rise u…

A Brief History of My Experience with Computers and the Internet

…aded away. With everyone being able to edit it I feel we can obtain a more complete view of any subject in that the knowledge comes from different viewpoints. One can experience the same event/thing but perceive it in different ways. I feel I’m getting a more accurate viewpoint when everyone contributes. However, it is mostly in English and that creates challenges too as language begets mentality. This is a difficult hurdle to overcome and I don’t…