I am now 32 years old and not sure how I gained so many years so quickly. If I look back I can divide the last eight years into locations: Japan, Vietnam and San Francisco. Japan was the first step and on the road to excitement after my school years had ended. Vietnam was to…… Continue reading Random life thoughts
Healthcare Debate and a small rant on selfishness (nonpartisan)
Healthcare. For me, just saying that word conjures up feelings of boredom, something that only old people with white/gray hair and wrinkles talk about and large confusing plans that make me feel dumb when I try to understand them. Now, when I read my news in the morning it is a word tied to something…… Continue reading Healthcare Debate and a small rant on selfishness (nonpartisan)
Multiculturalist mechanics
Robert Spencer speaks about the power to define terms such as Islamism or Jihad. And what the consequences are to free societies when they lose that power. Check it out by clicking the link. Below Pat Condell covers a lot of ground in explaining how it is possible to oppose an ideology and yet not…… Continue reading Multiculturalist mechanics
Ok so I finally got around to updating my links. With an average life-span of a year and a half for most blogs it’s no wonder that many of them had been dead for a while. R.I.P. expecially to North Korea Zone, which was always a joy to read.Respect especially to EastWestSouthNorth. I have no…… Continue reading Links
Hateful Politics
When I was about 20 years old, I was asked by a city leader if I “like politics.” At that time, I really didn’t know what it was and relied on the opinions of others to form my own. I didn’t really have them explain in depth about any of the issues but would passively…… Continue reading Hateful Politics