We found 50 results for your search.

Global Allegiance

…inese http://www.france24.com/en/20110111-renault-summons-executives-centre-spy-row-unions One futurist I read a while back indicated that people would stop identifying themselves with a country and change to identification with corporation or a brand…  And in that perspective It has been interesting to watch the growth and demise of some brands. I will take Sony as an example; once it could stand “toe to toe” with apple and for anybody techie wou…

Categorized as China, World

Railroad Tracks

…s FALSE – Sorry everyone: the website Snopes has investigated and although there is some *partial truth* and it makes for a good story, it isn’t factually accurate. Link: http://www.snopes.com/history/american/gauge.asp Advertising Link to MX Guard Dog, a service I use: Spamschutz Share this: Twitter Reddit…

Categorized as History Tagged

Vietnamese Women Are Beautiful!

…nd how Western society may have corrupted us. Needless to say, I wrote an e-mail to the Communist official apologizing for the crassness of my countryman and how not everyone is like that. More understanding, more respect = better international relations = better for humanity. How is that for a short lesson on world peace?    🙂 * Follow up There were so many times in Saigon that I saw very rough foreigners come to Vietnam for brides.  It made me s…

The Republican Clown Train

…The Vermin Supreme The American public is tired of the Republican Clown Train (see Rolling Stone article below.) It’s time to go full on Crazy Train people – the ultimate and final destination of American democracy!!! Let’s exercise our full potential people! Rolling Stone Article – Inside the GOP Clown Car God Bless the USA political system! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NriOZ6ofj_Q Share this: Twitter Reddit…

Santa Claus, Ded Moroz, Christianity and the Solstice

…inoxes and the midpoints between them,” he said. USA Today Article: http://www.usatoday.com/story/tech/sciencefair/2016/12/20/winter-solstice/95656640/ Although it turned out that Santa Claus really does have part of his origin in Christianity, Christmas has its origin in the Winter Solstice.  There is quite the similarity about the world coming back to life with the days getting longer, the sun getting warmer and things beginning to grow again.  …