We found 215 results for your search.

10 Things I Love/Hate about San Francisco

…ons only really need to be made about three days in advance and using yelp.com really helps with thousands of reviews 9. Politics – Sometimes the city goes a little far but I mostly appreciate the mentality of progress and testing the limits of society here. Conservatism to me is akin to not wanting to advance. If conservatives ruled the world we would still be stuck in the Dark Ages. Society will continually progress with periods of stagnation or…

Letter to My Descendants on the State of the USA

…tion of America in the eyes of the world at large. Not only that but was a complete failure in addressing one of the greatest threats to America in a lifetime. The Coronavirus has thrown out of work, what is it now, 25 million people and now 5 months later we’re seeing a massive surge in cases again? And what is this surge due to? It is due to the REPUBLICAN INACTION!!! All they had to do was enforce mask wearing and we could be looking more like…

Healthcare Debate and a small rant on selfishness (nonpartisan)

…pears my insurance covers it but I almost expect a call from the insurance company telling me something about my doctor not being “in-network” or something or other isn’t covered and other nonsense. Besides, every other physical has gone something like this, “You’re fine, please pay $200 and come back tomorrow so you can pay another $200. Honestly, I hate hospitals and doctors offices because they creep me out. Further, should I get sick, my Campb…

NEVER AGAIN – Concentration Camp

…id pay a visit to Dachau So yea,  Never Again…………… Work won’t even set you free in North Korea!!!! Update 5.30.21 – “Never Again” is happening in China with the Xinjiang internment camps. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xinjiang_internment_camps The reality is there isn’t much the world can do that doesn’t involve major economic disruption, war or no. In the past thirty years I’ve learned nations usually do not engage in wars unless two basic reason…

Wikipedia – Inaccurate???

…ir articles simply based on the fact that they do not understand or cannot comprehend a completely different way of thinking. Sure they provide two different points of view but it’s always American points of view. Take the war on “terror” for example. Why is there never a rebuttal from a pro-“freedom fighter” point of view. (aka terrorist in the USA.) The reason is it would really shake people up and get them thinking. But unfortunately, most popu…