We found 235 results for your search.

Current America, Israel Affair

…haps it would behoove these other nations to simply change the name of the practice to “lobbying?” UPDATE 5.10.2010:  When writing the above post I had to be extremely careful because in the past when one disagreed with Israel all hell would break loose.  But now, J-street is a younger, hipper lobby that often breaks ranks with their older peers.  I just read the article “Jon Stewart vs. Israel” and love his thinking that “any and all ideology, a…

Ode to the MMORPG

…stly simple Turkish words after seeing them over and over again. Kids are actually gaining an interest in a foreign language since it is necessary to communicate! 2. Economics In the game you can collect various precious items, armor, weapons and sell them for a price you set. The market moves up and down depending on the laws of supply and demand which is basic Economics 101!! 3. Time zones and Geography Depending on the time of day, various play…

The ISIS takes a page from Spanish Conquistadors!

…sistance, immediately, without delay, when they were informed of the aforesaid facts. And also they received and obeyed the priests whom their Highnesses sent to preach to them and to teach them our Holy Faith; and all these, of their ownfree will, without any reward or condition, have become Christians, and are so, and their Highnesses have joyfully and benignantly received them, and also have commanded them to be treated as their subjects and va…

American Automakers, Capitalism, India and Christmas

…e hard working people who will lose jobs due to their incompetence. Their main job function and large salaries as CEO are specifically to prevent the entire business from failing which they have failed to do. It seems illogical that a normal sales person will lose his job should he fail to produce but when a CEO crashes his company into the ground they start crying to congress. I believe that the public recognizes that throwing money at companies…

Ron Paul, Tea Party, Fox News and Colorado Springs

…re importantly salary.  So I really don’t have any sympathy for people who complain about ObamaCare when they just sit and wait for things to happen so they can be paid by the government. In conclusion, I like Ron Paul, if the Tea Party gets him elected I’ll like them too, if Fox news finally points out that the Tea Party is full of weirdos I’ll give them credit, unless the Tea Party gets Ron Paul elected.  AND finally, until everyone starts actin…