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Asian college strategy: Don’t check Asian

…e dude Christopher Columbus ended up finding the wrong continent.  But oh wait, they’ve fixed that now. Isn’t the box, “Native American?”  And wait, who was on the American continent before the “Natives” crossed the land bridge that used to connect the American continent with Asia?  So aren’t the current Native Americans really Asians?   I once asked a “Ethnicity adviser” at a large university a question concerning “halfs” and what box they should…

The Book of Kells

…* and turns the population Christian. In the movie, you will see that the main characters are monks trying to fortify their monastery against the inevitable raids of the Vikings and protect the Book of Kells. I had thought the Book of Kells might be a sacred text for the native religion of Ireland (pagan) but I was wrong, it is the Christian Gospels beautifully portrayed by what is called “Insular Art.” Now, in the story a young boy goes against t…

Chick-fil-a – A debate between my conservative and liberal sides.

…to become one and to be accepted by a relatively educated population. Protecting Freedoms = Attack another country Olympics = McDonalds Private sector economic crisis = the fault of the (public) President Sarah Palin / Michelle Bachmann = Intelligence and great leadership I could go on, but I’m getting silly.  If you’re reading this and are a conservative, you would probably think I’m a liberal.  That has been more true than not lately but you wou…

Identity politics and the idea of peace

…tiating between peace and the lack of violence, Sen went on to deliver a lecture based on one of his acclaimed books, Identity and Violence: The Illusion of Destiny. While violence and conflicts are on the rise, he believes it is integral to take an integrated approach to tackle it because most of the time, there is no single answer or cause. In particular, he took issue with the ‘Clash of Civilisation’ argument put forward by Samuel Huntingdon, c…

Categorized as Politics

Thoughts after seeing a young girl denied a visa

…uld fall off the face of the earth and die. It is true that America has to practice fiscal responsibility but I really hate those who have always had enough money try to keep those that do not out of the club. When we are children, we are taught that America is the land of immigrants and how the Statue of Liberty “cries with silent lips. “Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teemi…