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Vietnam Business Entertainment – KPMG First Fridays

…on my blog which lead me to the company “Events Vietnam”.  I remember this company well since they were the ones that as their name implies, put on business events.  A bit of history is in order but first let me get to my main point. I AM IN THIS VIDEO AND I JUST FOUND OUT!  I EVEN AM THE MAIN ATTRACTION IN THE SPLIT SCREEN AND NEVER RECEIVED ANY ROYALTIES! (Just kidding about the Royalties) From original website:  Events Vietnam In the Video, I’m…

Proof of Human Evolution

…nti-religious plot to confuse the faithful?  Well friends, my gym is in Daly City near San Francisco.  And San Francisco is a place everyone wants to visit if they haven’t already.  Perhaps in addition to field trips we could also make my gym’s locker room a stop on the big bus open top tour line!  Surely then everyone would then see for themselves and the case for evolution will disseminate far and wide as they return to their home countries!   …

My View – Guest-Teaching Chinese, and Learning America

…he foreign culture if they really want to succeed.  Language is not just a compilation of nouns verbs and grammar structures so that we can communicate but is something so much richer and fuller which is a direct reflection of how the foreign person thinks.  This thought process is formulated through their culture and therefore only taking the language would be akin to purchasing a motor with no car.  The motor is important but without the car whi…

A Wapanese?

…talk to you at a crowded party. You see a guy walking down the street, hand-in-hand with another Asian girl, and he still checks you out as you walk by him. Undergraduate majors of any East Asian language or East Asian Studies or post-college work as an English teacher in an Asian country are easy give-aways. Back in the day (circa late 90’s), these Asian Studies types were the only people with Asian fetish, but now, they seem to be everywhere, an…

Mind Control

…“mind” on the world? I’ve put one foot in the esoteric here but to quickly come back to the common, I’ll give a few examples of how I consciously changed my own thought process. I. Two Examples 1. Stress while driving When I first arrived in San Francisco after living for five years in Asia I was quite relaxed and easy going.  I took a job and in the beginning had many ride alongs with my boss.  I found that his tension levels rose tremendously wh…