We found 211 results for your search.

Greatest Criminal Mind Ever – Mateo

…information which I had recently renewed but did not happen to have the up-to-date insurance information with me and realize I had left it in my apartment. Further, there is no drivers license number on the insurance or DMV registration. By this point another officer came next to me but said nothing. The original officer comes back and the dialogue is as follows: Officer: “Did you find your license yet?” Me: “No sir. I think what may have happene…

From Study to Work for Study Abroad Students

…eating it too.”  I was very fortunate to land a job with (an international company) and absolutely adored that position.  However, the timing was unfortunate as many companies are struggling and I saw no real way to “climb the ladder” and land a bigger paycheck.  So with a very heavy heart I left that company.  (but would gladly return if they ever get back on their feet!) I then took a job with an industrial supplies company that does have a very…

Cambodia Trip

…ng met in Vietnam and both Axel and I had met once. Almost everything that comes out of his mouth is some comment about sex. Bret also loves hookers. Axel and I had met him at different times but were able to verify it was the same guy by his non-stop sex lines. He was in Cambodia for “tourism” and Phuong had somehow figured this out and invited him to meet up with us. We told Michael that he would not stop the sex lines and to be ready. I sat wit…

News of the Week – Middle East, Tea Party, Wisconsin, Pig Pen, Goths, Marketing and Relationships

…mplistic but I would not say entirely off the mark.  I did a simple Google Search for an image of a Tea Party rally and this is what I got. Now, I’m all for balanced budgets but how many of these folks are living off of their social security checks, medicare and pensions? So, I would like to propose a solution that would benefit everyone.  No more collective bargaining and everyone in this audience to pay back 25% of their lifetime earnings. Perha…


…my or would have been executed when they invaded. He had been shot by an AK-47 three times, his body was full of shrapnel metal and nails, he had a prosthetic leg and was 70% blind. His wife also stepped on a land mind and was killed two years ago. Some questions were asked that he could not answer because the current PM of Cambodia and some elements in Government were in the Khamer Rouge so he had to be extremely careful with his answers. Most of…