We found 211 results for your search.

Fast Times in San Fran

…known as “pretexting.” For example, if you want to know what crimes your co-worker has committed and tell the cops you are a reporter from a famous newspaper to get the info, you are simply “pretexting,” which is much less worse than lying. 2. You no longer try to “change someone’s opinion.” Now, it is a “fight for the hearts and minds.” Violent vocabulary is encouraged and try to use the word “fight” or “battle” in front of every sentence explain…

Privacy, presidential candidates and other things

…ing a third shake which HR has deemed a waste of company time.  This has become expected of companies, we’re all expendable and no matter how much crap about a “company family” is thrown out by HR the only thing that matters is ever higher profits – after all that is the way of the new USA! What is harder to swallow is that should the government win their case against Apple it is only a matter of time before all citizens will have to wear sensors…

Native American Spirits

…of view.  We believe we can judge right and wrong based on our own very incomplete understanding and miniscule point of view.   Now I know very little about Native Americans except from what I have read and the songs I have listened to.  My favorite descriptions of the Native Americans come not from Western historians but instead from George Catlin who, in my opinion, understood them as much as any white man could.  He traveled into their lands a…

GME, AMC Stockmarket Adventure

…etely corrupted. Time to computer code make the decisions. More updates to come: Soon AMC-Elmo is going to be sitting at that table as well! Update 4/10/2021 The GMC/AMC adventure is over for me. Let’s begin with proof of my stock purchases. GME/AMC Stock Market I never found the rhythm with GME. As I mentioned above I bought then immediately sold and missed out on the $400 spike. I did however buy back in when the price hit $114 and hung on for a…

Saigon Stories

…it for the past 4 months. The other day HP2 had disappeared so I call the computer company in the same building who takes care of the computer problems. They are notoriously bad though and manage to break things more than they fix them. So anyway, I ask them where HP2 has gone and they tell me it’s only for the floor below me. I said I used it before and they tell me I cannot use it in our office room. So I take my laptop down to the lower floor…