I really could not think of a better title for this so I kept it very simple. I just watched a few videos on YouTube that have reached top rankings and center around the theme “Debtors Revolt Begins Now.”Basically it’s a bunch of people very upset with Bank of America charging an APR of around…… Continue reading Bank of America = Awful
Author: Mateo de Colón
Global Citizen! こんにちは!僕の名前はマットです. Es decir soy Mateo. Aussi, je m'appelle Mathieu. Likes: Languages, Cultures, Computers, History, being Alive! (^.^)/
News of the week – Healthcare, Joe Wilson and 9/11
As usual, I woke up this morning, grabbed my Iphone and read through the WSJ, New York Times and Google News reader. And frankly I have a lot of questions on issues that either the right or left seem to be so sure on. What I need is a kind of referee that would penalize…… Continue reading News of the week – Healthcare, Joe Wilson and 9/11
Facebook Snobs
In the past two weeks there have been two articles about how people should post on Facebook. This is response from someone who is not a middle-aged grump and “get’s it.”
Random life thoughts
I am now 32 years old and not sure how I gained so many years so quickly. If I look back I can divide the last eight years into locations: Japan, Vietnam and San Francisco. Japan was the first step and on the road to excitement after my school years had ended. Vietnam was to…… Continue reading Random life thoughts
Healthcare Debate and a small rant on selfishness (nonpartisan)
Healthcare. For me, just saying that word conjures up feelings of boredom, something that only old people with white/gray hair and wrinkles talk about and large confusing plans that make me feel dumb when I try to understand them. Now, when I read my news in the morning it is a word tied to something…… Continue reading Healthcare Debate and a small rant on selfishness (nonpartisan)