Team Obama 2010 Member!

In my previous post 2010 Presidential Survey I wrote about how surprised I was that President Obama was directly asking me for support and that I was considered a “leader” by the Democratic National Convention. At the end of the post, I told you how I felt a little deflated once I figured out it was a solicitation for money.


I am not a conspiracy theorist.

Yet, I do very much enjoy the websites and Youtube videos of conspiracy theorists for entertainment. And having read/watched plenty of them I really cannot pass up the opportunity to draw a few parallels between relatively recent events and these theories. So please take all this with a HUGE grain of salt, this post is for fun… or is it? >:)

End the Obama Hysteria!

Ok, so there is a new American president and no one may be worse off for that. Hoorah, congratulations and so on. What I don’t understand, however, is the level of hysteria accompanying his candidacy and inauguration. Please stop it. A few examples: CNN reports: “My fervent prayer is that there will be peace on Earth…… Continue reading End the Obama Hysteria!