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News of the week – Healthcare, Joe Wilson and 9/11

…m preferably from countries that are not seeing eye to eye and a clearer picture becomes available. The level of debate being played out in the media is appalling. —END POST—– One final question remains however after my “official post” however. What exactly hit the Pentagon? I came back to America well after these attacks and although I saw the planes hit the World Trade Center there hasn’t been even one picture or video showing a plane, wreckage…

Hateful Politics

…at they are doing is “demagogy.” 6. Wars Political Stance: Way Left – Protecting freedoms etc is nonsense. Let other countries alone. America used to be this way but ever since the World Wars America has been crusading all over the place. I don’t even feel like getting into it but unless one has actually traveled, understands other cultures and speaks another language you cannot understand other points of view. 7. Socially Political Stance: Way Le…

Facebook Snobs

…e trolls who spew hate in blog comments, never met something they couldn’t complain about. – Ok, I agree with this one. Some people just complain too much. But we can’t ship all the Republicans to Guam now can we! That would be mean. 10. The Paparazzo. Ever visit your Facebook page and discover that someone’s posted a photo of you from last weekend’s party. – Ya, this one can be dangerous. That’s why I now only get drunk in my apartment while unde…

Asian Invasion!

…my thought. But as I said, it only takes one stupid comment to start the chain reaction of idiocy.  There were plenty of responses but the following is my favorite. Ms. Y:  Koreans=self control?  Try again! You haven’t seen an asian at the sketchy casinos at Lake Tahoe? Barona? Vegas?  Have you heard of Tiger Mom?  Please. Self control is for other people. You act like Asians are perfect. Asians got lucky that influential people cared enough about…

USA Credit Rating Downgrade

…ther.  It is my opinion that Washington is too corrupted at this point to actually correct itself fully.  The system works by greasing the wheels with money and I cannot think of a time when it was any other way.   I’m quite disillusioned by the simplistic arguments, which being, when bad things happen it is the other teams fault.  The only one to be speaking any truth and not playing this blame game is Ron Paul.  Unfortunately for him, his GOP co…