We found 211 results for your search.

Survivors and activists hail cluster bomb ban

…uster bombs and activists say three out of five casualties occur during day-to-day activities. Many victims are children like Silamphan. Some are killed when they mistake the bomblets for playthings. The United Nations estimates almost half of casualties are from Laos. Between 1964 and 1973, at the height of Vietnam War, the U.S. military dropped more than 2 million tons of explosive ordnance, including an estimated 260 million cluster munitions,…

The Labor Market and the Tragedy of Illegal Immigration

…e. This is how illegal immigrants become the recurrent sacrificial victims -welcomed while useful, disposable when convenient-. What a beautiful country! I wonder whether president Obama still believes that “we are better than this”.  Are we? A main conclusion is that the U.S. economy needs immigrants, but it needs them to be illegal in order to keep wages low. Some may find this point of view outright cynical. However, economic theory and the col…

Categorized as World

A Letter to my Foreign Friends (Living in Distant Lands) Warning: Politics involved!

…ause Obama won the election. Ever since he took office it has been one big complain-fest. Yea, I know, Obama promised to stop having America fight all these wars that were unfunded and yea, it was in the Bush presidency in which our national deficit killed the surplus that Clinton created but Obama can’t really fix all the destruction Bush caused in just under a year you know. The problem is that everyone expected him to and the Republicans are re…

Hateful Politics

…ople thought “America was on the wrong track.” Hence a very skilled orator comes along named Obama and wins the election! Now, the conservative side becomes really angry at losing most of their moderate base and what we are left with is the “extreme right” which is spouting venom at every single thing the president does. In the past week they have called the President a “racist” and even question his legitimacy as President and are saying he was a…

Muslims and Christians

…sophisticated debate in which they can engage. In fact, travelers often become more confused and instead of getting closer to the truth, it becomes much farther away. And when they hear such one sided debate and bias from otherwise intelligent people and these ideas spread to the general population, it becomes very depressing and there is a sense of being alone. There is so much lip service paid to “having an open mind” but actually having one is…