We found 235 results for your search.

Wikipedia – Inaccurate???

…ir articles simply based on the fact that they do not understand or cannot comprehend a completely different way of thinking. Sure they provide two different points of view but it’s always American points of view. Take the war on “terror” for example. Why is there never a rebuttal from a pro-“freedom fighter” point of view. (aka terrorist in the USA.) The reason is it would really shake people up and get them thinking. But unfortunately, most popu…

Half a second in the Empire

…eing of the nation so long as the other side is in control.  It has in effect, become a zero sum game.  If one side does well, it diminishes the other in the minds of most citizens.   3. We are Rome.  The citizenry is concerned with entertainment.  If you turn on the TV the citizens are wondering who sung the best, who danced the best, who got the bachelor and yes who won the NH primary.  Politics in this country has become the equivalent of a pup…

Random Irrelevance

…about America. However, as I found out when I went abroad, there were certain aspects about America that were not taught to me in Americans schools. Whole periods of history were skipped over if it might paint America in a bad light. Many countries condemn Japan for referring to the invasion of China as simply an “advance,” and skip right over the massacres. This has been done in America as well. Again, this is not a post to bash America and the…

E-mail from Jackie Speier

… included a second round of PPP loans, EIDL grants for businesses in low-income communities, an expansion of PPP benefits, a new grant program for live venue operators, and renewal of the Payroll Support Program, which provides financial assistance to airline employees. This is a good start, but we’ll need to provide even more comprehensive aid – grants, not loans – to the hardest hit sectors, like the food and hospitality industry. President Bide…

Bangkok aftermath – the hatred, vitriol and the blame game

…t the start of the latest ‘red shirt’ protests, I agreed with some earlier complaints on social networking sites in Thailand over how we’re giving a free pass to the ‘red shirt’ leaders. It’s pretty natural for journalists to side with the underdog. We support the small teams over rich ones. We like to see poor, nerdy dudes beat the big, burly school jocks. We root for the oppressed to rise up against the evil Big Brother governments. For many of…