At 36 years of age, I have come to a concrete realization that this world I live in is completely absurd. It is similar to a lucid dream, where the dreamer becomes aware of the improbability and often outright impossibility of his surroundings and thus realizes he is dreaming while inside of the dream.…… Continue reading Dream as Reality, Reality as a Dream
Columbus Day
Let’s celebrate Columbus Day by walking into someone’s house and telling them we live there now. Kind of like Israeli settlers!
10 More Observations From Big Mike
1. The anti-communist movement was just really an anti-populist movement. The well off, not wanting to share the world with the general population. Keep them suppressed. After defeating the communist, break the labor unions. They, the oligarchs, didn’t want organized labor. Keep the population as poor and dumb as possible, so they will fight each…… Continue reading 10 More Observations From Big Mike
Christianity and its non-Christian Origins
I saw this post on Google + and it was so good I had to borrow it. I have re-posted here so that I’ll always have it. Written by: Yonatan Zunger – from Google + Since I’ve heard that there’s some kind of religious festival going on this weekend, I thought it might be…… Continue reading Christianity and its non-Christian Origins
The Missing Culprits
Do yourself a favor. Call me crazy now, before you read the rest of this story. That way, this can be gotten out of the way, because what I am about to tell you, most of the public will not believe. On September 11, 2001, there were no terrorist involved, as reported by the U.S.…… Continue reading The Missing Culprits