Great Immigration Debate

What I believe it does do however, is give people a glimpse of what the actual consequences are of supporting the knee jerk deportation reactions that many on the extreme right may feel. It puts a very real and human face on a debate that is currently employing only legal logic.

Sarah Palin – America’s own Jean-Marie Le Pen?

Unlike Europe and Le Pen, there is no outrage about the things Palin says even though they are eerily similar. I simply cannot put my finger on it but if I had to draw an analogy I would say Mr. Le Pen is a huge pile of manure sitting in the street for everyone to see. Palin would be more like a small turd enclosed in a pretty box wrapped with a bow.


I am not a conspiracy theorist.

Yet, I do very much enjoy the websites and Youtube videos of conspiracy theorists for entertainment. And having read/watched plenty of them I really cannot pass up the opportunity to draw a few parallels between relatively recent events and these theories. So please take all this with a HUGE grain of salt, this post is for fun… or is it? >:)

Arizona Immigration Law – A Unique Perspective

Yet again another political issue is all over the media.  And as usual the debate is superficial filled with shallow “talking points,” which paint the issue as black and white and the color you choose being your political affiliation. I find the debate swirling around the details of the law a bit too much.  For…… Continue reading Arizona Immigration Law – A Unique Perspective