Every morning I ride my motorbike to work and it never ceases to be an adventure. Here in Saigon most inhabitants use a motorbike to get around which creates a lot of pollution. After 8 months of breathing in burning fossil fuels I finally decided to go with a mask no matter how ridiculous I…… Continue reading Saigon Fashion on a Motorbike
Author: Mateo de Colón
Global Citizen! こんにちは!僕の名前はマットです. Es decir soy Mateo. Aussi, je m'appelle Mathieu. Likes: Languages, Cultures, Computers, History, being Alive! (^.^)/
The Apprentice
Here in Saigon, when I have absolutely nothing else to do, I may wander into the T.V. room and let myself vegetate for a while. In Vietnam, the main source of television entertainment comes from HBO, BBC, NHK, and for regular sitcoms, Star TV. Star buys most the the shows that do not do too…… Continue reading The Apprentice
Star Wars
I just saw the new Star Wars move “Revenge of the Sith” last night. As it plays in the theaters in the USA it’s already out on DVD in Vietnam.The movie was excellent and some of the lines really stuck in my mind. It appears George Lucas is paralleling the political environment of our times,…… Continue reading Star Wars
Thoughts on Communism
When I was a kid, there were times when explanations were given that just didn’t make much sense. At that time I simply thought I was not smart enough to understand. However, as I have gotten older and traveled, I’ve found that many adults have an answer but really do not have a good understanding…… Continue reading Thoughts on Communism
Experiences in Saigon
As I sit here typing this entry, it is pouring buckets just like it does everyday during the rainy season. Many people do not like rain, and neither do I, except for these types of thunderstorms we get everyday. I love a good storm and this is the first country I have lived in where…… Continue reading Experiences in Saigon