So the question is, will the user “starting point” remain Facebook or will it eventually shift to something else? In other words, is FB the center of gravity around which every other aspect of the web revolves or will something else come along and pull FB out of it’s orbit?
Author: Mateo de Colón
Global Citizen! こんにちは!僕の名前はマットです. Es decir soy Mateo. Aussi, je m'appelle Mathieu. Likes: Languages, Cultures, Computers, History, being Alive! (^.^)/
Things America should adopt from foreign cultures
I would like to simply endorse a few aspects I found to be superior in Japan that we do not have in the USA. I’m also sure I’ll continually update this list as I think of more items but for now, this is what I’ve got.
Great Immigration Debate
What I believe it does do however, is give people a glimpse of what the actual consequences are of supporting the knee jerk deportation reactions that many on the extreme right may feel. It puts a very real and human face on a debate that is currently employing only legal logic.
A Moment of Zen
Time for a relaxing break from all the International News. I present, the Vaillancourt Fountain at the Embarcadero Centers.
Those Brave Western Correspondents
Reading the article Thai protesters defy orders to leave their Bangkok camp I noticed something that I have often noticed before in war/conflict stories. Before I tell you what that is, what caught my eye is a brief blurb on the situation in Bangkok at the center of the conflict. It reads: “Rachel Harvey, BBC…… Continue reading Those Brave Western Correspondents