“Who am I?” If we take a moment and ask ourselves this simple question I wonder how people might answer. Perhaps the easiest reply would be ethnicity, nationality, religion and perhaps even career. Yet, these simple boundaries are increasingly coming blurred as races mix, people immigrate, knowledge obtained and the job market being very volatile.…… Continue reading Self Identity – Who are you?
Author: Mateo de Colón
Global Citizen! こんにちは!僕の名前はマットです. Es decir soy Mateo. Aussi, je m'appelle Mathieu. Likes: Languages, Cultures, Computers, History, being Alive! (^.^)/
Creationism vs. Evolution – Unique thoughts
I just watched a the following video “Rare Look Inside Bible Belt Classroom,” and was pretty intrigued since I once thought as these students do. I’d like to offer you my own personal reasoning and learning process from one who went from a Creationist to an Evolutionist and then hit direct center. https://youtu.be/GbXgsMxOPtI I attended…… Continue reading Creationism vs. Evolution – Unique thoughts
Team Obama 2010 Member!
In my previous post 2010 Presidential Survey I wrote about how surprised I was that President Obama was directly asking me for support and that I was considered a “leader” by the Democratic National Convention. At the end of the post, I told you how I felt a little deflated once I figured out it was a solicitation for money.
Smart Consumer USA – Global Citizen
One aspect of returning to the USA that I have never gotten over is the constant barrage of sales pitches one must endure on a daily basis in this country. I continue to make more shocking discoveries about how savvy companies are at separating me from my money. This is a phenomenon I had not…… Continue reading Smart Consumer USA – Global Citizen
Chicanos, Viet Kieu, Gaijin – Migration Fun!
“When you sit down to write, first open a vein” and “Write What You Know.” This phrase is often used by writers to really get the ideas flowing and words written. This is exactly what I’ll attempt to do with this post. I have an idea of what I want to say, have no real point…… Continue reading Chicanos, Viet Kieu, Gaijin – Migration Fun!