The Joy of Being Alive vs. Consumer Culture

Hi Everyone! Sorry for the delay in posting, especially since there have been so many things going on in the news lately.  Life has been busy with much travel, new job, young child and various social engagements where young children come to my place, throw things on the floor and make lots of noise.  LOL…… Continue reading The Joy of Being Alive vs. Consumer Culture

Palestinian Kid’s War Art Cancelled

This morning I came across an article in the SF Chronicle that I simply had to share with you all.  Perfect for a GC post and a GC opinion!   Oakland museum cancels Palestinian kids’ war art – SF Chronicle Israelis’ vs Palestinians!  What a great way to have readers immediately take a side before…… Continue reading Palestinian Kid’s War Art Cancelled

Information Overload and The Art of Forgetfulness

As usual, this post has been inspired by a serendipitous insight.  As you know, I do not enjoy taking time to edit and much prefer simply writing as the thoughts come along.  This post shall not disappoint.   The first insight I had today occurred while going through my massive amount of daily news.  What…… Continue reading Information Overload and The Art of Forgetfulness