1. Internet These days it is hard to open the newspaper without seeing an article about Facebook, Twitter or the myriad of other internet websites. Everyone is tweeting, Facebooking and posting away it seems. I wonder if I’m just getting old (at the ripe age of 34) but I find myself becoming less enthusiastic about…… Continue reading Random Thoughts – Internet
Author: Mateo de Colón
Global Citizen! こんにちは!僕の名前はマットです. Es decir soy Mateo. Aussi, je m'appelle Mathieu. Likes: Languages, Cultures, Computers, History, being Alive! (^.^)/
Past Meets the Present – Infinite City
I’m currently reading a book called “Infinite City – A San Francisco Atlas” by Rebecca Solnit When most people hear the word “Atlas” they think of boring school subjects and perhaps don’t bother to lift the cover. For me however, I opened the cover and this book has kept me spellbound. As any reader of…… Continue reading Past Meets the Present – Infinite City
Half a second in the Empire
This post is devoted to a snapshot of my week in the empire called America. I say a snapshot because these are the things that have stuck out in my mind this past week. How I would love to read the same type of post from a citizen of Rome. Just one little snippet…… Continue reading Half a second in the Empire
I like Filipinos
It is 4:50am. My little boy decided he would not go back to sleep without some comfort around 4:00am and the task fell to me this morning. Now that he is back sound asleep I find myself in a sort of limbo between a dream state and partial consciousness. While deciding what to…… Continue reading I like Filipinos
The means to attain a happy life
I ran across this epigram the other day. I found a lot of wisdom in these words. MARTIAL, the things that do attainThe happy life be these, I find:—The richesse left, not got with pain;The fruitful ground, the quiet mind;The equal friend; no grudge, no strife;No charge of rule, nor governance;Without disease, the healthful life;The…… Continue reading The means to attain a happy life