Again, it has been a very long time since my last post. The reason is laziness, pure and simple.
But tonight, as I glare into the never ending stream of news on my iPhone I find myself overwhelmed by the amount of stupid I am reading. As I am still very much in lazy mode, I really do not feel like putting too much effort into this post. I simply want to do a quick brain dump and get back to my magazines. My blood is boiling though and I don’t think I’ll be able to rest until I get it out of my system.
A. US Election
Obama wins the election and the Republicans throw a fit. In their own words they tell us that Obama won due to the young, the minorities, the educated, the women and so on and so on.

So who voted for Romney then? Well, let’s take a look at the map. Do you see anything interesting here? The states with a more intelligent population (California, New York, Washington etc) all voted for Obama. The States with a massive amount of farmland and much less education (and the South, no surprise) voted for Romney.
This really isn’t rocket science – areas with more education voted blue and those with less voted red. It is as simple as that.
Furthermore the Republicans cannot stop saying extremely idiotic things. It does not matter who said what but let me just jot down a few things from memory.
1. Legitimate Rape – Female body has ways to shut the whole thing down
2. Too many black people were voting in areas that don’t have many black residents
3. Obama bought the votes of the young and the blacks.
4. We want to secede from the United States!
It seems the Republicans have a complete monopoly on idiocy since all of the above have come from the Republican camp. Perhaps it is akin to a young child throwing a tantrum when things do not go his way. Little Johnny didn’t win the basketball game so he not only throws the ball into the neighbors yard but starts running in circles screaming incoherently.
So let’s sum this all up.
1. The states with smarter populations (computers, finance, rocket science) voted blue. The states with plenty of farms and the South voted Republican. (No surprise from the South for obvious reasons.)
2. Republicans cannot seem to stop saying very idiotic things. One of the dumbest things said happens to come Mitt Romney who only a few weeks ago happened to be their champion and who they now cannot get far enough away from.
3. More than a few would like to secede from the Union. I say give Texas back to Mexico and let’s watch those idiots have a complete brain hemorrhage when they realize they are now surrounded by people who are NOT English speaking 45 year old white men.
B. Petraeus
First let me say that in regards to his affair I wish the USA were a bit more like France. Petraeus did turn a war around and by all accounts was a very good General. I’m sure he can and did do a fine job at the CIA. If he wants to have a little something on the side in his private life then it should stay private. Unfortunately we are all still very much Puritans in this country and therefore we must expose these fornicators and publicly shame them! (Then we can return to whatever sex themed sitcom happens to be our favorite which ironically glorifies a loose lifestyle.)
Regarding the Benghazi Attack – Petraeus is called to testify and says it was terrorism. Here is a newsflash. It was terrorism. The Obama administration needed time to get the facts and even after they had them they did play down the fact that it was terrorism. Why? Because it would make them look weak on security and given the Republicans something to use during the campaign. Why is the US having a congressional committee on this? Because the Republicans absolutely hate Obama and want to attack him in any way they can. It is all political theater.
Hopefully, some leaders somewhere are actually doing the right thing and instead of playing politics are strengthening security no matter what the Republicans or Democrats say.
C. Israel and Gaza
Here we go again. In this part of the post I am only speaking to those who are worldly and educated enough to just feel sad about this whole conflict. Israel has a right to exist and defend themselves. Unfortunately, in doing so they oppress, enslave and murder an entire group of people. The oppressed become the oppressors. There is no right answer here and I feel very sad for all of the death.
What I hate most of all is how in the West we will never read about any of the Israeli guilt in these conflicts. The media will always fault the Palestinians. Furthermore, I hate how we no longer just read about all of this, but now we have video so we can feed off the sorrow, the death and destruction for our own entertainment purposes. This is our dark side. We want to press the play button on the video, we want to see a missile strike and we want to see dead bodies. This is something most people will not admit to themselves, they will suppress the modicum of guilt deep into their gut as they hit the play button and enjoy the adrenaline as they wait for the missile to strike and death to happen on their Iphone.
This type of media gets the population excited and thus it gets clicks which add to the bottom line. I cannot think of anything more American than showing actual death, happening thousands of miles away in order to make a profit. It is capitalism at its finest. Cameras in place to stream the carnage by satellite directly to each and every device where we gain a rush, and a dark satisfaction from real live death, while in the corner of our eyes an advertisement for Coca Cola creeps into our subconscious. Such a marriage of technology, death and profit is almost like a beautiful requiem, so much so that it almost brings a tear to my eye.
I should stop reading the news.