The terrorists who planted the two bombs on trains in Germany last month have spoken out on what spurred them into action : the drawings of the prophet Mohammed in Jyllandsposten and the death of Zarqawi, evil mastermind extraordinaire. Two incidents with which Germany has no connections what so ever. Are these two terrorists just…… Continue reading Global Islam
Wikipedia – Inaccurate???
Recently, I’ve been reading many articles stating that Wikipedia is a “dubious source” when researching. The problem is that anyone can add to it and articles can be checked and edited by others with the same academic interest. This means anyone in the world can check articles for accuracy and to me, this is the…… Continue reading Wikipedia – Inaccurate???
Thoughts running through my head
Again, long time no post. I guess I just got tired of ranting and I thought my life in San Francisco is just not as interesting as it was in Saigon. However, some thoughts have been running through my head which I thought I’d jot down before I forget them. First, I went to the…… Continue reading Thoughts running through my head
Job Interviews in San Francisco
It’s been another long stretch without a post. This is most likely due to the fact that not much interesting happens when one is doing a job search from day to day. I’ve been going to interviews, writing e-mails, and going to more interviews. It’s difficult trying to find the right fit. I usually wouldn’t…… Continue reading Job Interviews in San Francisco
San Francisco – Unemployed Life
As most of you already know, I’ve made another big jump and have landed myself in San Francisco. So far I’ve managed to get myself a nice apartment and have jumped head first into the job market.A question I’m asked a lot is “Why San Francisco?” For some reason I think I give them a…… Continue reading San Francisco – Unemployed Life