The Labor Market and the Tragedy of Illegal Immigration

This article explains the rational economics of illegal immigration, its implications for an immigration reform, and the future of illegal immigration in the U.S. Its main purpose is to add to the discussion, not to have the last word on the issue. The discussion and conclusions are summarized for space constraints and are based on public information, most of them available online. I believe that most average readers have arrived intuitively to the same conclusions but they do not dare to express them openly, either because they do not have confidence on the accuracy of their conclusions or because they are just too politically correct (I would not dare to assume that it is out of hypocrisy or because of open bigotry).

Categorized as World

Sweden Rejects the ’Melting Pot’

Swedish policy makers now openly reject the ‘Melting Pot’ as their model for integrating immigrants into society. Recent proposed changes to the Swedish constitution pose basic challenge to the nation-state and the principle of equality before the law. The term, the Melting Pot,  is commonly used to describe immigration, especially into the US, moving from…… Continue reading Sweden Rejects the ’Melting Pot’

Why is Everyone So Offended?

Why is everyone so offended? The football (soccer if you reading this in America or Australia) World Cup is upon us and excitement here in the U.K. is rising. Today England will play Japan and although I’m not a big football fan I’ll definitely be watching that particular game. The World Cup seems to bring…… Continue reading Why is Everyone So Offended?

Categorized as World

There is nothing wrong with not having a higher education

Just a quick rant from me. There is nothing wrong with not having a higher education. Too often are people, experiences and opinions dismissed because they are not put forth by someone with proper class/education/taste/etc. Most recently a guy who was trying to impress my Japanese wife at a carnival we went to recently complained…… Continue reading There is nothing wrong with not having a higher education

Arizona Immigration as demonstrated by Pink Floyd

I’ve been reading an increased about of chatter concerning the Arizona Immigration law and how many people are in support of deportations.  The amount of vitriol has reached an amazing level and therefore I feel a response is required. It suddenly occurred to me that I’ve seen something similar to this before. If folks are…… Continue reading Arizona Immigration as demonstrated by Pink Floyd