The difference between the left wing nut job movement and the right wing nut job movement in the USA

Upon reading the above editorial and seeing the comments
“When is America gonna wake up and stop believing the people that are trying to control us with lies and misdirection!”
“It will never happen. The right wing nut jobs will always believe their own over the truth.”
I started to contrast the power of the conservative movement in the states against the seemingly ineffective efforts of the liberal initiatives.

America and Religion

With the lessons above about the origins above, the fact is, they really do not matter. Sure they are good things to know, but they have absolutely no influence on the core teaching which is simply to love. I used the examples above to prove to people how little they know about religion and to provoke a bit of shame. How dare they use religion, which they know very little about, to provoke hate, which is the exact opposite of the main point religion is trying to convey!!!! How stupid, how silly and how shameful!

Graveyards and The Meaning of Life

No matter what you do for a living, how much money you make, none of it matters in the end. If you are kind to others, appreciate being alive and strive to live a good life then it can be said you lived a wonderful life.

Mind Control

The truth is, it makes no difference where you live or what things you have in order to make one happy. It is simply a state of mind. As I mentioned in the beginning of this post, a majority of people will let life determine how they are going to think and what their mindset is going to be. Again, my question is why would we let these external forces control us? Why would we not want to make a conscious decision to be happy and enjoy life no matter what the circumstances?