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The Spanish West – Time Life Books

…I do not hate America, America is a beautiful country which in historical comparison with other countries has shown the world a very good example of how to behave. But like other countries, it too prefers to ignore its faults. So no, I do not hate America. I do hate Trumpers however and their co-opting in blind, nationalistic idiocy of the flag and what they believe it means to be patriotic. A Trumpers idea of patriotism is covering any and all w…

The Bin Laden assassination part deux

…ed.  Maybe it is better simply to not ask the questions?   An atrocity was committed, execution completed, people cheer.  What kind of people are we becoming.  Better still, what kind of people are we? Perhaps, it is simply best to not think at all. —————- *Update: 5.8.2011 If you read my posts you probably know I spit these out in 20 minute periods, scan once for editing and let it ride.  Then I think about it some more and continually add commen…

American Empire

…ur politicians tells us that war is for abstract reasons such as “stopping Communism” or “Protecting our Freedoms.”  Half of the population believes this.  Now when I was a college student, I could vaguely understand this “stopping Communism” reason.  The USSR was quite powerful and gaining influence around the world.  As the USA was Capitalist/A Democracy it would make sense to try and stop the “spread of Communism.”  That was the mentality of th…

Feeling Down on America

…at of profit at any cost.  Throw in as many 4th of July parades, Budweiser commercials or Bald Eagles as you want it still comes down to profit over everything else. Perhaps in these dark times we could turn to religion? Nope. I read further and see that 300 priests in Pennsylvania had been molesting boys and girls for decades. Well, what is new? Perhaps an isolated incident? Yea right, it was my trip to Spain and reading books like Lazarillo de T…

Egypt According to Sandmonkey

…of people basically shouting two things: “Down with Mubarak” and “We want freedom”. Sometimes they would add “Freedom! Like you have it in the West.” Fair enough. But the journalists would then go on to say that “these protesters want Western-style democracy”. To be honest, no protester on camera had actually said that. If they did off-camera, I doubt that they knew what they were talking about. Like Sandmonkey said himself: Egyptians in general…