More Culture Shock

The culture shock continues here in San Francisco!!! As every study abroad or expat knows, when returning to the home country, some things really stand out as strange or bizarre since even though it is your home country, it might seem a little foreign. Well, San Francisco IS foreign!!! There are entire neighborhoods here where…… Continue reading More Culture Shock

Poor FBI

I saw the picture above today in the news and just couldn’t help but laugh. As I sit here in SF contemplating my new job opportunities, I must admit that I’ve given a spit second thought to the NSA, CIA and FBI due to international experience and language abilities. However, in light of current events…… Continue reading Poor FBI

Categorized as U.S.A

In San Francisco

It’s been a week here in San Francisco and I’ve been all over this town. One thing I’ve learned is that you can’t even move without money pouring out of your pockets. EVERYTHING is expensive. Even walking down the street there are a lot of homeless asking for change. It’s hard to drop coins after…… Continue reading In San Francisco

San Francisco

I’m now sitting in a Starbucks café here in San Francisco. I can’t believe I’m back in the USA and my head has been spinning ever since I landed. One thing I can say is that I hate culture shock and jet-lag. I really need to write down all the culture shock aspects but for…… Continue reading San Francisco