America and Religion

With the lessons above about the origins above, the fact is, they really do not matter. Sure they are good things to know, but they have absolutely no influence on the core teaching which is simply to love. I used the examples above to prove to people how little they know about religion and to provoke a bit of shame. How dare they use religion, which they know very little about, to provoke hate, which is the exact opposite of the main point religion is trying to convey!!!! How stupid, how silly and how shameful!

Chaos is coming to a town near you.

For those of you who didn’t catch my previous post, I am providing a link, so you will understand oil depletion ( peak oil ): One of my favourite books of all time is called “Into the Buzzsaw: Leading Journalists Expose the Myth of a Free Press”. This one book, is a group of…… Continue reading Chaos is coming to a town near you.

Creationism vs. Evolution – Unique thoughts

I just watched a the following video “Rare Look Inside Bible Belt Classroom,” and was pretty intrigued since I once thought as these students do.  I’d like to offer you my own personal reasoning and learning process from one who went from a Creationist to an Evolutionist and then hit direct center. I attended…… Continue reading Creationism vs. Evolution – Unique thoughts