Gay Marriage, Israel and Gaza and Christmas Movies

1. Proposition 8 – Gay Marriage There was an article in the Wall Street journal about a “black list” of businesses that gay people were protesting due to their support of Proposition 8. It seems like these are extremists and such extremism isn’t really supported by the community. The article told the story of a…… Continue reading Gay Marriage, Israel and Gaza and Christmas Movies

Muslims and Christians

Since September 11th and the wars in Afganistan and Iraq there has been an enormous surge of interest in the Muslim world from America. The ordinary American knowing nothing of this ancient culture will pick up bits and pieces from various sources including academic books, hateful right wing talk radio, American soldiers experiences or extreme…… Continue reading Muslims and Christians

Global Islam

The terrorists who planted the two bombs on trains in Germany last month have spoken out on what spurred them into action : the drawings of the prophet Mohammed in Jyllandsposten and the death of Zarqawi, evil mastermind extraordinaire. Two incidents with which Germany has no connections what so ever. Are these two terrorists just…… Continue reading Global Islam

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Evangelist Pat Robertson does it again

Reading CNN today I found that Pat Robertson has again pissed off a large mass of people. Apparently he called the major stroke suffered by Ariel Sharon an act of “divine retribution” for dividing the holy land. Such nonsense could be expected from zealots of any religion but traveling back to America I was struck…… Continue reading Evangelist Pat Robertson does it again