Where White Man Went Wrong

This is just for fun.  Another internet meme making the rounds.  Thought it would be worth a post.  *Original Source Unknown But please read below the entry for some good Native American reading. Where White Man Went Wrong Indian Chief ‘Two Eagles’ was asked by a white U.S. government official, “you have observed the white…… Continue reading Where White Man Went Wrong

Violence and Islam in Europe

Europe is experiencing an increasingly costly and destructive problem with its non-Western immigrant populations – particularly those from Muslim countries. A new study shows that on a net migration of 25,000 non-Western immigrants per year, with an equal number of offspring, Holland alone incurs a net cost of €7.2 billion [$8.8 billion] a year. In Denmark,…… Continue reading Violence and Islam in Europe

Old man falls down. Who can you trust?

In China decades of concerted efforts to destroy social morals and interpersonal trust have left a country where paranoia runs rampant. With justice being a question of who can wield more power, the first thought running through the head of someone helping another person on the street is: “I hope I don’t get framed for this”.