Ode to the MMORPG

It’s been a while since my last entry and the blame lies squarely on an addiction. This addiction while not new, is one I’ve had since I was about 10 years old. I’ve broken free at times but somehow always find my way back when new technologies allow the scourge that is the “video game”…… Continue reading Ode to the MMORPG


Just a few thoughts I’ve had while going through my Sunday morning routine. 1. I was at Starbucks and noticed two girls in heavy makeup and those big sunglasses that cover half of the face. First, wearing too much makeup conceals the actual facial aspects of the person. Wash all that junk off and it…… Continue reading Randomness

Culture shock in San Francisco

I had thought that the culture shock had subsided but I continue to be shocked, amazed, confounded by my surroundings here. Before I describe these instances, I’d like to back up and explain a bit about why they “shock” a person returning from abroad. Living in another country, one is continually exposed to different behaviors…… Continue reading Culture shock in San Francisco


The second definition of “institutionalized” in the dictionary is, “Given the character of an institution or incorporated into a structured and usually well-established system.” The first definition as an adjective states “Officially placed in or committed to a specialized institution.” Institution – “An organization founded and united for a specific purpose.” Therefore could it not…… Continue reading Institutionalized