Japanese Protectionism, Latinos in the USA and The Age of Reason

I have to say, I love my iPad.  Everyday I pick it up about 15 times and flick through the various news apps to take a quick pulse of what is happening in the world.  When I tire of the news I can quickly switch to my books or watch a documentary on Netflix. I…… Continue reading Japanese Protectionism, Latinos in the USA and The Age of Reason

USA Credit Rating Downgrade

Well, by now you’ve heard that the USA had their credit rating downgraded by Standard and Poors.   A quick check of the responses by the GOP all blamed Obama except for one.  That person was Ron Paul.  He said the following. “Unfortunately, the game in Washington has been one of partisan blaming and bipartisan…… Continue reading USA Credit Rating Downgrade

Right vs. Left – Being Civil

I thought about not writing on this as there is enough news but seeing as we are trapped in the continual Left vs. Right vortex and that neither side is absolutely right I thought it might be good to weigh in on this from a “Global Citizen” perspective. We always see things differently from most, like an outsider looking in and have no problems with pointing out the faults of both sides which is enlightened at best, bipolar at worst. 🙂