We found 215 results for your search.

Interconnection – Muslims, Mexicans, California and Conquistadors

…notice that many of the migrants are of a darker color and more likely to come in search of work.  Yet, there are white Mexicans if you take a look at their society.  The societal breakdown in Mexico is worth a post *hint hint.* “In addition, the Mexican population consists approximately of 60% Mestizo (mixed indigenous-Spanish), 30% indigenous, 9% white, and 1% other. There is a definite racial hierarchy in Mexico that is easily observed, but se…

Time Life Books – The Trailblazers

…ominous sound as the Spaniards are very anti-Islam. Mateo de Colón https://www.mateodecolon.com/2010/09/interconnection-muslims-mexicans-california-and-conquistadors/ Lewis was asked particularly to determine, if possible, any affinities between Indian religions and Judaism – since it was believed by some people that American Indians might actually be the descendants of lost tribes of wandering Jews. At first blush the modern reader wouldn’t know…

Vietnam, WTO, Moveable Type and WordPress

…rector of the STAR group which is the liason which works out the technical details that the world says Vietnam must complete before joining. This means passing laws on intellectual property rights, lowering tariffs and so on. It took about an hour for the head of this organization to complete his speech. However, the issue was brought up that Cambodia has already been accepted and Vietnam is much more advanced and has more stable set of laws alrea…

The truth about California Missions. Just as bad as Canadian Residential Schools

…likening the missions to the slave plantations of Santo Domingo.” https://www.sfgate.com/opinion/openforum/article/The-dark-terrible-secret-of-California-s-missions-2685666.php I also liked this quote from the Reddit thread I’ve been to a few missions. My kids did projects on Santa Cruz and San Luis Obispo. I’ve read the little plaques they put outside, sounds so innocence: the Indians lived here. This is where they farmed. This is little church….

Language Study

…d we do the same thing in English and was correct. “Com”, or “Con” mean to combine, (com-bine). Thus, “Computer”, “Conference”, “Construct”, “Competition”, all mean the combining of two or more things. I found this com-pletely fascinating. Finally, there is always debate as to what is “correct” English. There are those who abhor bad grammar usage and take a very technical view of the language. For them the sentence “John didn’t do no good things f…