
Ok so I finally got around to updating my links. With an average life-span of a year and a half for most blogs it’s no wonder that many of them had been dead for a while. R.I.P. expecially to North Korea Zone, which was always a joy to read.Respect especially to EastWestSouthNorth. I have no…… Continue reading Links

Categorized as News

End the Obama Hysteria!

Ok, so there is a new American president and no one may be worse off for that. Hoorah, congratulations and so on. What I don’t understand, however, is the level of hysteria accompanying his candidacy and inauguration. Please stop it. A few examples: CNN reports: “My fervent prayer is that there will be peace on Earth…… Continue reading End the Obama Hysteria!

Meet the Press, Crossfire, Face the Nation

I do not normally watch any of these shows, but “Meet the Press” was on while I had breakfast this morning and I had an amazing revelation. First a brief description about these shows. It seems the formula that works is to put opposite views (Republican, Democrat) on each side of the table and then…… Continue reading Meet the Press, Crossfire, Face the Nation

A Parody of the Media

Everyday, I check a variety of news sources on the net, TV and radio and have found similar patterns in all of them. 1. CNN Headlines: a.) Brittney Spears did something again!!!b.) Paris Hilton also did something!!c.) Why isn’t Nicole Richie doing anything?d.) Christine Amanpour is desperately looking for a war zone to run around…… Continue reading A Parody of the Media