Visiting Spanish Missions in California

It has been a long while since my last post.  This is directly due to to my second child and I’ve quickly learned that with only one child there is still free time, but with two all personal time no longer exists.  There is no time to read much about history, study more language, ponder…… Continue reading Visiting Spanish Missions in California

Capetian Dynasty

I’ve always been completely fascinated by the Capetian dynasty.  A family whose rule started in 987, dominated for five centuries and still has royals to this day in Grand Duke Henri of Luxembourg and on the throne with King Felipe VI of Spain.  In the USA, when royalty is mentioned it is something that belongs…… Continue reading Capetian Dynasty

The ISIS takes a page from Spanish Conquistadors!

While reading my Lapham’s Quarterly I came across the “Requerimiento” (Requirement).  This was a written declaration of sovereignty and war, read by Spanish military forces to assert their sovereignty over the Americas.    “It was used to justify the assertion that God, through historical Saint Peter and appointed Papal successors, held authority as ruler over the entire Earth; and that the Inter…… Continue reading The ISIS takes a page from Spanish Conquistadors!

Dream as Reality, Reality as a Dream

At 36 years of age, I have come to a concrete realization that this world I live in is completely absurd.   It is similar to a lucid dream, where the dreamer becomes aware of the improbability and often outright impossibility of his surroundings and thus realizes he is dreaming while inside of the dream.…… Continue reading Dream as Reality, Reality as a Dream

Christianity and its non-Christian Origins

I saw this post on Google + and it was so good I had to borrow it.  I have re-posted here so that I’ll always have it.   Written by:  Yonatan Zunger – from Google + Since I’ve heard that there’s some kind of religious festival going on this weekend, I thought it might be…… Continue reading Christianity and its non-Christian Origins